Wednesday, August 5, 2009


If you want to see things in yellow,
you must only remember three things:


Most people blame their past.
But come to think of it, how to solve the "screw ups" you did or have experienced before?
The answer: By living well in the present.
Most people are stuck in grieving their past mistakes.
This "grieving stage" should be temporary. Pretty much like a good cry.
A good cry is when after all the tears have fallen, you're ready to begin...
big time!

You leave the memories behind. Don't bring the whole baggage.
You only take the notebook filled with lessons so you can always look back
at your life's notes and say, "I've learned this before so this problem should be easy."

You don't blame the past. You learn from it.

An old chinese proverb would say...
Each day is always a gift that's why it's called a PRESENT.


But do it secretly.
When it comes to kindness, it is measured by 1.) Sincerity and 2.) Selflessness

The beauty about kindness lies not in its grandness but by its pureness.
I know someone who makes it a point to pay the toll of the car behind him every time he passes by the toll booth. It can be a simple act such as opening the door for someone, helping an old lady cross the street or even smiling at a person you meet.
For children, it's so easy but believe me, at this time and generation...
it can be a challenge... but it's worth giving our hearts a chance.

It's built on one intention: to make others happy.

Because the payback in being kind is by paying it forward.

Which brings me to my last 'yellowy' point.
To see in yellow means you


But some people mistakenly think that gratitude is similar to indebtedness.

Indebtedness is saying: "It's my turn." Gratitude tells the world: "I'm blessed!"

Indebtedness creates obligation. Gratitude builds a great relationship.
It's you're relationship to others, to yourself and to the universe.
Because how you push the world is how the world will push you in return.
The law of physics? I'd rather say the law of life.

I'm sure there is at least one thing you must be thankful for. What is it?

I know one person who saw life from this color.

I was only 6 years old when I met her for the first time.
She had curly hair, wore a simple yellow dress while waving an "L" sign in her hand. While the crowd chanted her name, it is obvious that she is one popular woman. But her smile showed a sign of humility with a combination of courage and most of all, love.

If we can just learn to see things from her 'eye glasses...'

We need not find good elsewhere.

and yes, she'll live forever.

Can you see yellow?